

EdMap Road

A platform for student Research and Development Projects in Ethiopia.

EdMap RoaD is a unique platform that allows students in Ethiopia to participate in research and development projects. Through this platform, students can upload their research proposals and project ideas, and EdMap RoaD will match them with the right stakeholders who may have an interest in their work.

Benefits of EdMapRoaD:

  • Enable students to participant in innovative and impactful research

  • Bridges the gap between stakeholders and students, facilitating valuable studies for the country

How EdMap RoaD Works:

  • Students upload their research proposals and project ideas to the platform

  • Students collaborate with stakeholders to complete their research and development projects

  • EdMap RoaD matches students with stakeholders who have an interest in their work

EdMap RoaD is a game-changing platform for students in Ethiopia, providing them with the opportunity to engage in valuable research and development projects that can make a positive impact on the country.

Registration and Application

Students Application

Coming Soon!

Scholars Application

Coming Soon!

Stakeholders Application

Coming Soon!