

Program Details

Biology Major focuses on The study of living organisms and how they interact with their environment. Examination of the structure, regulation, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living things. Biologists study humans, plants, animals, and the environments in which they live. They may conduct their studies human medical research, plant research, animal research, environmental system research at the cellular level or the ecosystem level or anywhere in between. Biologists are students of the world, interested in learning from every facet of life.

Carrier Direction

What does graduates of Biology do?

What they do: Research or study basic principles of plant and animal life, such as origin, relationship, development, anatomy, and functions.

On the job, you would:

  1. Prepare technical and research reports, such as environmental impact reports, and communicate the results to individuals in industry, government, or the general public.
  2. Develop and maintain liaisons and effective working relations with groups and individuals, agencies, and the public to encourage cooperative management strategies or to develop information and interpret findings.
  3. Collect and analyze biological data about relationships among and between organisms and their environment.
Job Titles

Jobs directly related to your degree include:

  1. Academic researcher
  2. Biotechnologist
  3. Higher education lecturer
  4. Marine biologist
  5. Microbiologist
  6. Nanotechnologist
  7. Nature conservation officer
  8. Pharmacologist
  9. Research scientist (life sciences)
  10. Scientific laboratory technician
  11. Secondary school teacher
  12. Soil scientist Teaching laboratory technician

Jobs where your degree would be useful include:

  1. Anatomical pathology technologist
  2. Animal physiotherapist
  3. Clinical scientist, cardiac sciences
  4. Dental hygienist
  5. Dental technician
  6. Dental therapist
  7. Dentist
  8. Genetic counsellor
  9. Health improvement practitioner
  10. Medical science liaison
  11. Neuroscientist
  12. Physician associate
  13. Prosthetist/orthotist
  14. Science writer
  15. Sustainability consultant
  16. Veterinary nurse
  17. Zoologist
Skills for your CV

In addition to subject-specific knowledge of biological systems and concepts, you develop a range of practical and technical skills and learn how to use specialist techniques and technical equipment.

You also develop more general skills, which are attractive to employers in all sectors. These include:

  1. Communication, through report writing and presentations
  2. Teamworking and collaboration, through group projects and seminars
  3. The ability to work independently
  4. Organization and time management, through meeting course work deadlines
  5. Numeracy and math’s
  6. IT and computer literacy
  7. Research and data analysis
  8. Problem-solving and creative thinking
  9. Project management self-reliance, initiative and business awareness

Employers recruiting graduates for biology-related jobs include:

  1. Universities and clinical research organizations
  2. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
  3. Private hospitals and NHS trusts
  4. National and global health, conservation and environmental charities
  5. Scientific and technical consultancies
  6. Schools and colleges
  7. Outreach organisations, such as museums, science centres and broadcast companies.
  8. Many biology graduates pursue opportunities outside the science, education and health sectors in industries such as business, finance, the civil service, marketing and sales.


Module titleCoursesCourse CreditCourse ECTS
Cellular biology and Laboratory techniques1.Introduction to Biological Laboratory Techniques13
2.Cell Biology35
Botanical Sciences1.Phycology23
2.Bryophytes and Pteridophytes23
1. Seed Plants35
1. Plant Physiology35
Zoological Sciences1. Invertebrate Zoology47
1. General Entomology35
1. Applied Entomology23
4.Vertebrate Zoology47
1. Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology35
Microbial Biology1. General Microbiology35
1. Mycology24
1. Applied Microbiology23
Ecological and Environmental Biology1. Principles of Ecology35
1. Soil Science23
3.Conservation and Management of Natural Resources23
1. Wild life Ecology and Management23
1. Introduction to Ethnobiology23
Genetics and Evolutionary Biology1.Principles of Genetics35
1. Principles of Taxonomy23
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology1. Biochemistry35
1. Molecular Biology24
1. Fundamentls of Biotechnology35
Biomedical Sciences1. Principles of Parasitology35
1. Virology12
3.Introduction to Immunology23
Fisheries and aquatic sciences1.Aquatic Science and Wetland Management23
1. Fisheries and Aquaculture23
Biological Research Methods and Applications1. Research Methods and Reporting in Science23
1. Senior Project36
Optional I (Biological Field Techniques and Experimental Design)1.Field Techniques in Botany and Zoology12
1. Principles and Application of
GIS and Remote Sensing in
1. Experimental Design23
Optional II (Cytogenetics and Principles of Breeding)1.Cytogenetics23
2.Plant and Animal Breeding23
Optional III(Tissue Culture and Food Biotechnology)1.Int. to Plant Tissue Culture and Propagation23
2.Food Biotechnology23
Optional IV(Developmental Biology and Animal Behaviour)1.Reproductive and Developmental Biology23
2.Animal Behaviour23
Fundamental Inorganic chemistryInorganic Chemistry35
Fundamental Analytical Chemistry1. Analytical Chemistry35
1. Practical Analytical Chemistry12
Organic Chemistry1. Fund. of Organic Chemistry35
1. Practical Organic Chemistry12
Statistics for BiostatisticsStatistics for Biologists35