
Social Work

Program Details

Social work is a practice-based academic subject concerned with satisfying the basic needs of people, families, groups, communities, and society as a whole in order to improve their individual and collective well-being. Graduates of the program are prepared to work as entry-level generalist social workers with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities both locally and globally. Child welfare, family preservation, mental health, substance use treatment, juvenile justice, aging, shelters for victims of intimate partner violence, homeless programs, community food banks, neighborhood citizen organizations, hospitals, and rehabilitation centers are just a few of the professional practice settings for entry-level generalist practitioners.

Carrier Direction

What does Social Work graduates do?
  1. Provide social services and help to children and their families in order to improve their social and psychological functioning as well as their family well-being and academic performance.
  2. Helping parents, arranging adoptions, and finding foster homes for abandoned or neglected children are all possibilities.
  3. They address issues such as teen pregnancy, misconduct, and absenteeism in schools.
  4. Teachers may also be advised. Keep case history records and write reports. Individual, family, or group interviews are conducted to analyze clients’ situations, capacities, and issues in order to decide what services are required to satisfy their requirements. Liaisons between students, households, schools, family services, child guidance clinics, judges, protective services, doctors, and other contacts to assist children with disabilities, abuse, or poverty.
Job Titles

Jobs directly related to social work degree include:

  1. Education mental health practitioner
  2. Family support worker
  3. High intensity therapist
  4. Social worker
  5. Jobs where the degree would be useful include: Adult guidance worker Advice worker Chaplain Community development worker Counsellor Detective Education consultant Equality, diversity and inclusion officer Housing manager/officer Life coach Mediator Special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) Volunteer coordinator Youth worker
Skills for your CV
  1. A social work degree equips students with practical skills through placements done out alongside experts in, for example , schools, police and housing.
  2. Ethics, including valuing diversity and promoting social justice, is taught and you build skills of judging and become more accountable, thoughtful, critical and evaluative.
  3. Gained transferable skills include: Communication abilities Analyzing a situation and problem solving capacity to manage conflict and mediate advocacy negotiating strategies and goals great time management strong observing and listening skills.

Most social workers are employed by local authority children’s or adult social services. Increasingly, however, opportunities are available within other settings such as:

  1. Children’s homes
  2. Educational settings
  3. Primary care trusts
  4. Prisons
  5. Private fostering agencies or nursing homes
  6. Voluntary organizations or charities
  7. Youth justice settings. It’s possible to do freelance work for social work staffing agencies or to work as an independent practitioner within social enterprises.


Module titleCoursesCourse credit hr. Course ECTS
Introduction to Social WorkIntroduction to Social Work35
Methods of Social Work PracticesMethods of Social Work Practice I35
Methods of Social Work Practice II35
Civic and ethical EducationCivics and ethics35
General EnglishCommunicative English35
Basic writing skills35
Theories of Social WorkTheories of Human Behaviour and the Social Environment47
Introduction to sociologyIntroduction to sociology35
Fundamentals of psychologyIntroduction to psychology35
Information and communication TechnologiesInformation and communication Technologies35
Practicum IField Education I47
Social Work Research MethodsQualitative Research Methods35
Quantitative Research Methods35
multi-cultural social work practiceGender, Diversity and Social work47
Social Policy Analysis and PracticeSocial Welfare Services35
Social Policy Practice35
Population movements and social workMigration, Refugee and social work practice35
Social Work in Health careHealth Social Work35
Psychiatric Social Work35
Working in human service OrganizationOrganizational Management and Leadership35
Project design and Management35
Law for social workersIntroduction to Law35
Practicum IIField Education II47
Counselling and Case managementCase Management35
Counselling in Social Work35
Criminal Justice Social WorkCriminal Justice and Correctional Administration35
Practice with children and familiesWorking with Children and Families35
School Social Work35
Social development and community practiceSocial development and community practice47
Special needs servicesRehabilitation Services and Disability35
Practicum IIIField Education III47
Student research projectSenior Paper610